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Self Reflection: Quiet the Mind

The world can be hectic and chaotic and it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind. Amidst all the noise and distractions it’s still important to pause and engage in self reflection. When we get too busy to reflect on our experiences, actions, thoughts, intentions and emotions we can lose sight of our desires and values. This can leave us stuck in the past, instead of grounding in the present to impact the future.Mindful self reflection is a powerful tool for growth and balance. One of the easiest ways to self reflect is through journaling.

Journaling is the simple practice of getting your thoughts out of your head where you can see them from multiple perspectives. A notebook can give you a private space for introspection. Or if you prefer, a google doc or journal app can achieve the same purpose. Whether you write every day, once a month or once a year, it can lead to significant insights. The benefits of self reflection through documenting your thought processes can transform how you perceive the world and how you perceive of yourself living in that world.

Slow down and take time to examine your mind. This focus on self reflection allows you to become more in-tune with your emotions. Understanding your emotions then leads to adjustments in mindset and foundational values. If you can understand your feelings you can change them and that gives you power to own the decisions you are making that shape your future.

Where to start? Here are a few topics to begin a journal:
**Goals. Write about your goals. What are you working toward? What is your timeline? What is holding you back?
**Dreams. What do you dream about? What do your dreams signify?
**Diary. Write about the details of your days. Talk to yourself as a friend and work through complex emotions.
**Gratitude. Each day write down things you are grateful for. This type of journal helps to remember to keep perspective on the good things in your life and allow less time to dwell on things that aren’t going quite as well.
**Creativity. Journal short stories, or a daily poem, or a daily doodle.

Personally, I’m in love with the act of putting pen to paper, so I prefer to keep paper journals. But I know others who have created a successful digital journaling practice. You know yourself best so don’t let the “how” deter you. One key to journaling is consistency. If you choose a practice that fits into your current lifestyle you can build a habit that will provide you with insights into your mindset.

Why is consistency important? If you keep a regular cadence of self reflection you can look back and literally see the changes in your perception. You allow yourself the opportunity to revisit problems that you may find have a cyclical nature.

Keeping a journal empowers self discovery. You learn more about who you are, what you value and how to bring your best self to every day experiences. You are empowered to take control of your mind and your actions in life. Sometimes we all just need a reminder of the power we have to shape our own mind.

Published inJournalJournalSelf LoveSelf-Discovery JournalSelf-reflection