Passion is the driving force that ignites our souls and infuses our lives with purpose. It’s the relentless pursuit of what sets our hearts on fire.
Is finding passion in life, perhaps,..the point of it all?
A Life Without Passion
A life without passion is like a monochrome canvas, devoid of the vibrant colors that make existence meaningful. It’s a state where we merely exist rather than truly live. Passion gives us the energy to pursue our dreams, the resilience to overcome obstacles, and the joy of savoring every moment.
Rene Descartes
A philosopher who focused on passion was Rene Descartes. He detailed six fundamental passions that can guide us in understanding and embracing ourselves.
- Admiration: This is the awe you feel when we encounter something remarkable. What does the world hold to admire? Find those things.
- Love: Love is the most potent of emotions. Not just romantic love, but love for your passions, your family, your life. Love infuses everything with meaning.
- Hatred: Acknowledging what you despise can also help you discover your passions. What stirs your anger? Getting to the root of “why” might reveal what you truly care about changing.
- Desire: The longing for something better, the pursuit of a dream, is at the core of passion. Identifying your desires and pursuing them can be a profound source of fulfillment.
- Joy and Hope: These positive emotions are the fuel for passion. They provide the energy and the optimism to chase your dreams.
- Sadness and Fear: These negative emotions guide you, just as much, if not more so, than the positive ones. Studying your fears may reveal what you’re most passionate about protecting, while sadness can highlight what you deeply care for.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-Howard Thurman