As a young writer I loved the act of writing poems. It was this feeling of bringing a vision to life through emotional language. I gave up on poetry because I wanted every poem to be profound and life-changing. With those expectations it was hard to continue. As I was reading Sylvia Plath’s journals I felt inspired me to give it another go. But, like Sylvia, I feel like this poem, as any poem I write, is nothing special; shadows of emotion just emotions smashed to bits in little words.
I digress. Wrote a poem. Not sure I like it, but the process of writing it felt lovely.
Healing Waters
by: Elle Richards
In weariness, she sheds her heavy guise,
Shadows of discomfort in her eyes
Her heavy soul seeks solace from the fray
into a hot world of water, she finds her way.
The water’s warmth, like a lover’s embrace,
Absorbing the shedding of despair
Moments respite, hiding from the world outside,
Tranquility and peace begin to turn the tide
Amidst her personal stream she floats, her troubles drifting away,
a dancing of the shadows in her soul sway
Her thoughts, now softened, now her own…begin a soft, healing rain
She is encased in a bubble, all her own, a place to regain
Her shoulder, so tense, find rare release,
Her worries ebb, away with the tide of her sea
In quietude, she gives her soul an embrace,
And this, the bath, is a haven to give herself grace
Emerging from the depths, a soul renewed,
Water stilled; emotions subdued.
In honor of this hastily written poem, give yourself time for a good soak.. My favorite? Pour a can of coconut milk into the water, add some essential oil or bubbles for the smell goods, a squirt of Vitamin E Oil (you can buy this at dollar tree and it’s amazing for many things, just fyi).
Humans are grown in a watery womb. Humans are made up of mostly water. Water heals. If you let it.