Finding stillness amidst the chaos of life is a challenge; sometimes an insurmountable one. One powerful way to pull yourself into the moment is practicing a technique called grounding. What is grounding? It’s a lovely concept in its very simplicity. The ground where our body connects to the Earth. So how to ground yourself? Simply take a moment to bring awareness to your body and feel how it connects to the Earth. Take a deep breath and remember where you are. Remember your solidity on Earth.
You can ground yourself in numerous ways. One of my favorite is the classic “feet in dirt” philosophy. Touching nature allows us to connect with the energy of the world living below our feet. As a human creature, sometimes our brains let us forget that we are animals by nature. With my feet (or hands) in the Earth I am able to experience nature with all of my senses. There are a multitude of simple techniques to help you connect with the present moment. Below are five easy suggestions.
How to ground yourself in a chaotic world:
1. Barefoot Connection: Spend time barefoot outside. Allow your body to feel the sensation of the Earth beneath you. Take a moment to feel rooted and connected to nature. Remember that you are a part of this nature.
2. Mindful Breathing: Take a few moments to focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale deeply. This helps you bring awareness to your body and to what you are experiencing in the present moment. The best part about mindful breathing? You can do it anywhere!
3. Spend Time in Nature: Plan some outdoor time. Even taking a short walk allows us to spend time outside of our normal “bubble” and listen to the sounds, observe the things around you, and embrace nature. Focus on truly experiencing your surroundings. Find the beauty that is everywhere around us, but often disregarded.
4. Have a Grounding Object: Keep objects near you that allow you to bring your attention to the present moment. Maybe it’s a lucky penny, maybe a flowering cactus, maybe a sign that says “PAY ATTENTION.” It can be anything, really. An item that you find comfort in and when you see or hear or touch the item you feel connected to your emotions in the present moment.
5. Body Scan Meditation: Lie comfortably on your back, palms up. In yoga, this is called the corpse pose. While the name, perhaps, is not the most comforting, this pose is one of the most rejuvenating in yoga. The goal is to completely relax your body and mind. For the body scan meditation you focus on each part of your body, feeling the sensations in that area and releasing further tension until all of you body has been scanned. This one is also powerful for sleep!
The “how” is not the important part. The important part is to engage your senses fully in the moment. Focus on what you are doing and experience the textures, smells, tastes and sounds around you. Our minds let us forget that we are part of everything that is happening around us. Work at remembering and feeling connected.