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A Nihilist Among Us

Came across a great creator on Tik Tok recently The account is “Britt’s Book” @nononsensespirituality. She describes herself as a Spiritual director and nihilism coach–specializing in tools for the void.

She had me from that description and I keep watching because her content is authentic. She is intelligent and articulate and it’s hard to find good people to chat about nihilism with these days. She gives me a lot of things to think about and she makes me feel understood in my own thinking.

Want to check her out? click here

You can follow me on Tik Tok, I don’t post much original content but I’m great at finding content for to work out that repost button.

Follow me here! Elle Richards on Tik Tok

Published inElle RichardsNihilismPhilosophySelf Discovery