Albert Einstein wrote a lot of engaging material, aside from his scientific theories. But it was the theories he developed that did then, and continues to, inspire scientific minds.
Being an Influencer (1900’s style)
In 1905, Einstein introduced the Special Theory of Relativity. The output of this research would go on to fundamentally chance human understanding of time and space.
It’s All Energy
I remember learning this in school. Memorizing the formula. But I certainly didn’t understand it then. I think I am barely grasping it now. But if I were to be a student again, I would want to understand the meaning behind his letters, at a deep level.
The famous equation is broken down here:
E = Energy; The capacity to do work or produce change. And energy encompasses mass, meaning mass is energy.
m = Mass; A measure of the amount of matter that makes up an object. Basically weight. (quantifies the resistance to acceleration when a force is applied)
c = Speed of light; This is a conversion factor that is linking mass and energy together. The fact that the c is squared, means that even a tiny amount of mass can produce a significant amount of energy.
And that’s probably enough to know about that unless you have a lot of study time and interest available…
General Theory of Relativity
Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity was published in 1915. An overall summation of this (thanks to our friend chatGPT) …he describes gravity as a warping of spacetime by mass and energy.
And do I understand that? Not too much. Except we are some energy beings, pushed down by gravity…or something.
To me, Einstein made me aware enough to know that I should keep up the good vibes.
Who Cares about Old Scientists, Anyway?
Well, I do. I think a lot of people do. Or would, if they had easier access to their material. The lines of reasoning from past time periods helps humanity to evolve and understand their own research, their own truths.
Einstein’s theories have been confirmed by many experiments over the years, such as the bending of light by gravity observed during solar eclipses. I’d say his theories were pretty solid.
They laid the very groundwork for physics as we know it today. And laid a path to technological applications of today, such as GPS.
A Genius and a Philosopher.
If you feel inspired by Einstein’s brain, and mostly know him in the realm of physics, Find some of the philosophy pieces her wrote. They are harder to find, but worth it!