Passion Unleashed in the Era of Enlightenment In the heart of the 18th century, a period know for intellectual revolution, passion emerged as a central…
A philosopher at heart; an author by passion. Welcome to my musings!
Passion Unleashed in the Era of Enlightenment In the heart of the 18th century, a period know for intellectual revolution, passion emerged as a central…
Imagine you’re standing in a bakery, gazing at a tray of freshly baked cookies. No one is in sight and you are hungry. You think…
“A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is visible and invisible labor. To contemplate is to toil. To think is…
To truly understand philosophers of the past it is important to also study what was happening in their environment. What led them to start thinking…
Passion is the driving force that ignites our souls and infuses our lives with purpose. It’s the relentless pursuit of what sets our hearts on…
Positive psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology that focuses on the study of human well-being and the factors that contribute to a fulfilling…
The word “essence” refers to the fundamental nature or inherent quality of something. It represents the core, intrinsic characteristics or qualities that define the existence…
Stress is rampant in today’s society. The fast-pace that time moves in makes it easy to forget the simple joys that we experience each day.…
“Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers don’t drink their own water. Trees don’t eat their own fruit. The sun doesn’t shine for itself. A…