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Consciousness vs. Unconsciousness: The Two Shifts of the Mind

Consciousness is the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings, thoughts, and emotions. It’s the part of your mind that is awake, analyzing, and making decisions. Unconsciousness, on the other hand, is the state were awareness is absent, like when you’re asleep, under anesthesia, or in a coma.

Imagine your mind as a bustling little city that never sleeps. During the day, when you are conscious, the streets are filled with cars, people, and activity–everything is vibrant and alive. But when night falls, the city doesn’t cease to exist; it merely shifts. The streets get quiet, lights dim, but activity is still happening to keep the city functional.

Consciousness and unconsciousness work in shifts, each vital to the overall function of your mind.

Published inConsciousnessElle RichardsSelf Awareness