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Diary of a Jane: 7.15.24

Life is crazy. And I thought to myself–if I were to have my consciousness turned off–how do we know if we die or just fell asleep?
Technically I “die,” then, at least once per day when I sleep. Once per 24 “hour” time-space-time. It always comes back to this thought.
If this moment of my consciousness is literally all I’m cognizant of–the “point,” then, would be to enjoy the show? Hedonism?
Why does it feel like it’s more?
I go back to Nietzsche (God I hate spelling this name, distracts me every time). His whole thing is anti “going along with the show.”
N is encouraging people to be IN the show.
Oh man, I am now thinking of the Abraham Lincoln assassination. He was watching a “show” while he was also cast in a larger “show.”
And then my thought trains rolls over to the “history repeats itself” mantra. Which I strongly believe…

Published inConsciousnessDiary of a JaneElle RichardsMind