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Exhausted. Journal Prompts from Sylvia Plath Quotes

“I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.”–Sylvia Plath

  • When have you felt like the “eye of a tornado,” calm yet surrounded by chaos? How did you cope with the dissonance between your inner stillness and external turbulence?
  • What aspects of your life currently feel like the “surrounding hullabaloo”? How do these external forces contribute to your sense of exhaustion or emptiness?
  • How do you interpret the idea of “moving dully along”? Do you feel this way in certain areas of your life, and if so, how could you regain a sense of purpose or energy?

“I am so exhausted from feeling things.”–Sylvia Plath

  • What emotions or experiences are you currently carrying that are contributing to your sense of exhaustion? How might you release or express these feelings?
  • In what ways do you think emotional exhaustion differs from physical exhaustion? How can you recognize when you’re emotionally drained, and what steps can you take to replenish yourself?
  • Reflect on the balance between feeling deeply and protecting your energy. How can you create space to feel without becoming overwhelmed?
Published inJournalJournal PromptsSelf-Discovery JournalSylvia Plath