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Existential Dread: When Life’s Big Questions Keep You Up At Night

Ever have one of those nights when you’re lying in bed and suddenly you’re hit with a wave of existential dread? Those late night thoughts that have you questioning the meaning of life, the vastness of the universe and whether you rolled up your car windows?

Existential dread is like a philosophical roller coaster ride. What does it all mean?

The Existential Dread Rollercoaster

Your mind is always working. And sometimes it goes for a jaunt along the loop-de-loops. That eerie feeling that creeps up when you realize that you exist in a vast, incomprehensible world. That you are seemingly hurtling through space on a little rock called Earth.

All of the complexities lead to the question: What is the point of it all?

Life as a Jigsaw Puzzle

Imagine a jigsaw puzzle with a million pieces, and you don’t have a picture of what the final product will be. That’s akin to life. You have all these pieces to fit together with no directions and a surprise time limit.

You might find yourself obsessing over past mistakes or regretting missed opportunities. But you can’t go back, you can only work forward, wondering what lies ahead in the unknown.


Existential dread leads to moments of intense anxiety. Here you are, a tiny speck in an infinite cosmos, thinking about if you should have taken that trip to Puerto Rico, after all.

When you realize the tininess of your worries, anxiety makes you question whether you can handle what life throws your way.

Embrace the Absurdity

So what to do with the sneaky existential dread that creeps in? Existentialists tell us that in the face of life’s meaninglessness we must empower ourselves and create our own meaning.

Embrace the absurdity of life’s polarities.

Dousing Existential Dread

The next time existential dread pays you a visit remember that it’s all out of your hands. Embrace the questions, savor the mysteries and seek understanding.

Life’s a wild ride…and you’re the star of the show.

Published inExistentialismLifeMind