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Is it Fear of Failure or Fear of Success?

What’s holding you back from pursuing your dreams?

Pursuing your deepest desires and passions can be both thrilling and intimidating.

Example: Annie has always wanted to write for her local newspaper. But she has never had the courage to strongly pursue this dream. She thinks that she won’t be able to achieve this, for some reason. I’ve encountered many individuals, including myself, who grapple with the fear of dedicating themselves to their dreams.

When Annie sits down to think through why she isn’t pursuing her goal to write for the paper, she will likely find fear is what is holding her back. To move forward, she needs to explore this fear.

Fear can manifest in many forms; two culprits are fear of failure and fear of success.

The Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is a pesky obstacle that hinders growth in many ways. It is characterized by an apprehension of not meeting expectations, making mistakes, and facing the potential consequences of not achieving goals.

What if I’m not good enough?

Understanding the Fear of Failure

  1. Perfectionism Paralysis: Individuals fearing failure often succumb to perfectionism, a mindset that demands flawless execution. This mindset can lead to procrastination and avoidance, preventing any progress towards their goals.
  2. Negative Self-Talk: The fear of failure often accompanies negative self-talk, fostering self-doubt and diminishing self-esteem. This internal dialogue can become a significant barrier to pursuing one’s passions.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

  1. Shift Perspective: Instead of viewing failure as a setback, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace a growth mindset that values the journey and the lessons it brings.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks. Celebrate small victories along the way, reinforcing a positive mindset and building momentum.
  3. Cultivate Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend. Understand that everyone faces challenges, and self-compassion can be a powerful tool in overcoming the fear of failure.

Annie will never know if she is good enough to write for the paper if she doesn’t…write for the paper. Or at least give it her best shot. But fear of failure is tricky and it tells her that she shouldn’t even try. Uncover that fear and let it go.

The Fear of Success

While the fear of failure is widely recognized, the fear of success is a quieter but equally potent force. This fear is characterized by anxiety surrounding potential changes and the responsibilities that come with achieving one’s goals.

Understanding the Fear of Success

  1. Fear of Change: Success often brings change, whether it’s in lifestyle, relationships, or responsibilities. The fear of success may stem from discomfort with these inevitable transformations.
  2. Impostor Syndrome: Individuals experiencing success may doubt their own abilities, feeling like they don’t deserve their accomplishments. This impostor syndrome can hinder further progress and fulfillment.

Overcoming the Fear of Success

  1. Visualize Success: Imagine the positive outcomes of achieving your goals. Visualization can help normalize the idea of success and make it feel more attainable.
  2. Address Impostor Syndrome: Recognize and challenge self-doubt by acknowledging your achievements and attributing them to your skills and efforts. Surround yourself with a supportive network that reinforces your capabilities.
  3. Embrace Change: Understand that change is a natural part of growth. Embrace the opportunities and challenges that success brings, and view them as stepping stones toward further personal development.

Understand your Fear and work to Overcome it

If you find yourself stuck; wanting to apply for that promotion, wanting to quit your day job and make jam, wanting to write a book, but you can’t seem to take the next step, look into what your mind is telling you. It may be either the fear of failure or the fear of success; both of these fears are natural and conquerable.

By understanding your fears, shifting your mindset, and implementing practical strategies, you can break free from foggy fears that may be holding you back, and embark on a path of fulfillment and success.

Embrace your dreams, they are the key to unlocking a life of joy.

Published inFearPassions