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Plato and the Process of Becoming

According to Plato, the physical world that we perceive through our senses is always changing. He believed that our world is in a constant state of becoming. That all objects are subject to birth, growth, decay and dissolution.

What does the world become?

Plato argued that behind this world we perceive that is ever changing there is a higher realm called the world of Forms. In his theory, this realm is eternal and unchanging. The Forms are the pure and perfect archetypes of each physical object in the perceivable world.

The process of becoming, then, involves movement from the imperfect and transient realm we perceive toward the perfect and eternal realm.

And how do we get there?

The pursuit of knowledge is how humans can get closer to the true nature of reality and transcend the world of appearances.

Plato emphasized the importance of intellectual development on this journey of becoming. He believed that through the cultivation of reason and the practice of virtue that individuals could achieve a higher state of being.

Plato may be right or Plato may be wrong…

The beauty of philosophy is that there are plenty of avenues of thought to explore. Regardless, his Theory of Forms is fascinating thought.

Published inPlato