Embrace the Ever-Ticking Clock
Tick-tock…time marches on, and we’re all just passengers on the train of life. Time is something that is hard to perceive from a philosophical standpoint. Am I the only one that struggles to be on time…all the time?? Even while embracing the study of life’s existential mysteries, you can still learn the art of time management.
Let’s dive into the world of time management from an existentialist perspective.
1. Time is Your Paper
Existentialism tells us that life has no pre-determined purpose. So, what to do with this blank sheet of existence that we call time, then?
Well, you write on it, draw on it, paint on it, leave it blank…whatever you wish! Metaphorically, of course.
Think of time as your most precious resource. Each moment is a choice, and you’re the artist. Using your time wisely allows you to create a masterpiece of your own design.
2. The Freedom and Responsibility Duo
Our existentialist time management guru is a champion of freedom. But with great freedom comes great responsibility, or so it’s been said. Sorry, Spider-Man, but existentialists beat you to this one.
When it comes to time management, you’re free to choose how you spend your hours, days, and years. The tricky part to remember is that the choices you make define your existence. So, choose wisely and own your decisions.
3. Prioritize Your Passion Projects
This may seem like “anti-advice” for those of us who have to work a “day job” to survive. Our existentialist friends, however, encourage authenticity and the quest to find meaning in your life. So, make time for what truly matters to you. If you’re passionate about writing, painting, or collecting heart shaped rocks, allocate time to pursue those passions.
Life is too short not to indulge in the things that make your heart and mind sing.
4. The Urgent vs. Important Dilemma
Existentialist time management invites you to discern between the urgent and the truly important. Just because something is screaming for your attention doesn’t mean it’s meaningful.
Ask yourself, “Does this task align with my values and bring purpose to my existence?” If not, it might be time to delegate, delay, or even drop it.
5. Embrace the Present Moment
All of the jolly existentialist advice falls back on the truth that life is fleeting. In the grand scheme of things, our existence is a mere dot. So, savor the present moment. When you’re working, work with focus and intention. When you’re resting, rest fully.
Each moment is an opportunity to create the life you want, so make it count.
6. Time as a Tool, Not a Master
Does anyone else long for the days when the only clock was the sun? In today’s world our time is dissected into so many pieces. Using our existentialist toolbox, though, we can view time as just one of many tools. Don’t let it dictate your entire existence. Sure, deadlines and schedules are essential (kind of), but they shouldn’t define your worth.
Use time as a means to pursue your passions and chart your own path through the absurdity of life.
Conclusion: The Existential Time Symphony
Existentialist thinkers have presented life’s meaning as a puzzle that we must each solve. Use your time as wisely as you see fit—crafting a beautiful, meaningful existence that reflects the unique energy of your existence.
Tick-tock, my friend. Is your time your own?