Healing frequencies are specific sound vibrations that are believed to positively impact physical, mental and emotional well-being. Our bodies are made of energy, and healing frequencies are said to manipulate that energy in various ways.
Hertz What Again?
Healing Frequencies are associated with music. In sound, Hertz (Hz) is a unit of measurement for frequency. It represents the number of vibrations per second. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch.
Here are five frequencies to try:
- 528 Hz: Believed to facilitate DNA repair and promote healing.
- 432 Hz: Claimed to be an alignment with the natural vibrations of the universe, promoting harmony and balance.
- 639 Hz: Suggested to enhance interpersonal relationships and foster communication.
- 741 Hz: Thought to promote problem-solving and creativity.
- 852 Hz: Associated with spiritual growth and increased awareness
Benefits of Healing Frequencies
There are many proponents of using sound to encourage healing. Some of the biggest benefits are:
- Stress Reduction
- Improved Sleep
- Better Mood
- Increased Focus and Concentration
- Pain Relief
Example of a Healing Vibration station
You can find playlists online with these different frequencies.
A favorite channel of mine for meditation can be found here. On Spotify, there are many other channels, search for healing frequencies and try one that resonates.