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Word of Today: Frivolous

A delightful word. Frivolous. I love the way it rolls off the tongue…lighthearted with a touch of whimsy.

Our dictionary friends tell us that the definition of frivolous is: not having any serious purpose or value.

Usage Examples:

“Aisha is a frivolous fool; vain and flighty.”
“Barbi thinks of perfume as a frivolous frippery.”
“Thank goodness Callie stopped wearing those frivolous hats!”

Frivolous Nihilist

Frivolous is generally used in a judge-y or dismissive way.

A nihilist would say that we are innately frivolous creatures; living in a frivolous world.

When I think of being frivolous, I think of being care free and immersed in the present moment. Surrounded by beauty and energy, at peace, in the sheer delight of breathing.


My advice today: Be frivolous. Live for the sake of experiencing the exquisite moments, whatever those moments may be.

Published inWord of Today